Truly, you should go back to the basics. Look intently at the set-up of your store. It must have a homey atmosphere, one that instantly welcomes every customer. Talking about customer, about how many people actually buy? Or, rephrasing this question, how many prospects come inside your store? To increase traffic, your dog shop should be inviting to all would-be and existing dog owners. More so, it must be customer-friendly; meaning, it carries all stuff that dogs need. And to know exactly what things your shop offers, perform an inventory in case you have not personally done so recently. Concurrently, you should also make personal researches on the current trends, then impart these to your staff in one of your regular meetings. Or you can organize a seminar wherein there is an open forum.
If you want to have a complete line of products in a hassle-free manner, you can offer related products alongside the dogs that your shop sells. This way, each customer will not waste time in searching for dog essentials in other stores since your store already has these. By then, your dog shop will constantly live up to its literal name.--ARV
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